Here are a few tips regarding what’s acceptable and when to exercise caution in altering your horses feeding and management routine.
Choosing the Best Treats for Horses
Just like humans, horses love a treat and they’re perfectly fine as long as you go about sharing them the right way.
Equine Feeding Tips for Cold Weather
Cooler weather is now upon us and once the temperature sinks below 45°F a horse’s body begins to utilize more energy in order to maintain body temperature.
Equine Pregnancy Facts
Here are a few interesting equine pregnancy facts as we await the spring delivery of new foals.
Hoof Irregularities: Club Foot
Arguably, the most important parts of a horse’s anatomy are the hooves. The hooves are literally the foundation on which the horse is built.
Seasonal Diseases: Pigeon Fever
Pigeon Fever is a bacterial infection. In most cases horses will be fully recovered in a matter of weeks.
Dual Pep: Cutting Horse Legend
On September 25, 2018, the quarter horse cutting world lost a legend. Acclaimed sire Dual Pep was 33, and left us peacefully, knowing it was his time.
Making a Plan to Manage Obesity
It’s easy for horse owners to say their horse is a little overweight, but it’s difficult for them to recognize that their horse might be seriously overweight or even obese.
About The Tevis Cup
The Western States Trail Ride, more popularly known as the Tevis Cup, is the oldest modern day endurance ride.