Body Condition Score 8 – Fat
Body Condition Score 8 – Fat
There is a crease down the back; the distinction of the crease is dependent on muscle type of the horse. The ribs are difficult to feel. The fat around the tailhead is very soft. The sides along the withers are filled with fat; as well as behind the shoulder; fat may appear patchy in these areas. There is noticeable thickening of the neck and depending on age and activity fat deposits may appear along the inner thighs or behind the point of elbow. Rump is round and apple shape. There is noticeable thickening of the neck; note “fat ripples”. The sides along the withers are filled with fat.
- Ribs are difficult to feel
- Fat pad behind the shoulder is very spongy and will appear protruding
- Crease down the back
- Rump is round and apple shape in appearance
Noticeable thickening of neck; area behind shoulder filled-in & flushed with body
Area along withers filled with fat; may be patchy areas of fat
Crease or “gutter” down the back; the distinction of the crease is dependent on muscle type of the horse
Ribs are difficult to feel
Fat around area feels soft but depending on age & breed the tautness of area may distort your evaluation; rump is round & apple shape