Body Condition Score 1 – Emaciated
Body Condition Score 1 – Poor/Emaciated
The horse is extremely emaciated, highly angular and appears as “skin draped-over a skeleton”; the extreme angularity is apparent by the prominent projection of the ribs, tailhead, point of hip, point of buttocks and the spinal processes; the skeletal structures of the withers, shoulders, and neck are very evident and no fatty tissue can be felt.
- Prominent projection of the ribs, tailhead, point of hip, point of buttocks and the spinal processes
- Extremely angular, inverted V shape very pronounced
- Prominent projection and angularity of the ribs, withers & hip
- Prominent projection of the point of hip and point of buttocks
Extreme angularity; clearly appears emaciated; bone structure easily seen; no fatty tissue felt
Extreme angularity; emaciated; areas project prominently; no fatty tissue felt
Extreme angularity; emaciated; spinal structures areas projected prominently; inverted V shape rump very pronounced;no fatty tissue felt
Extreme angularity; each rib & space between ribs easily defined; emaciated
Extreme angularity is apparent by the prominent projection of the tailhead, point of hip & point of buttocks