Creep Feeding: The 7 Primary Steps
Learn the 7 Primary Steps of Creep Feeding
When is the right time to start creep feeding new foals? Milk production begins to decrease when foals reach about eight weeks of age. At this point, the dam’s milk production begins to reduce. Creep feeding foals complements the nourishment of the milk with other feed to ensure they get the nutrition and energy that they need for continued growth.
It’s important that creep feeding is done the right way.
- Feed should be pelleted, size 5/32”, and with a texture that’s easy to chew and swallow.
- Feed should be available to nursing foals as early as 3 weeks of age but not later than 8 weeks of age.
- Fed at ½ lb. per day initially; split into 2 feedings at ¼ lb. per meal.
- Remove leftover feed and provide fresh feed for each meal.
- By weaning age, the foal will be consuming approximately ¾ lbs. of feed per 100 lbs. of body weight. For a 450 lb. weanling, that’s about 3½ lbs. per day.
- Water should be at ground height.
- Foals should have free access to forage.
Integrity Mare & Foal is formulated to have the exact nutrition for creep feeding foals. Here’s where to buy. Additional feed requirements for a creep/foal formulation are also provided in Creep Feeding Guidelines.